
Activity Highlights

Morganfield staff and residents participating in a field day in the parking lot

The residents enjoyed a fun parade in May. The weather was perfect, and it was a fun event. After the parade, the residents sang hymns and laughed at staff dancing… or at least trying to dance!

Thank you to the Welch Family for the beautiful succulents. Each staff member was able to take one home as a token of their appreciation for taking care of their family member.

Up, up, and away! One of the residents favorite activities is a balloon launch. Recently, we were able to one and then we all talked about where the balloons would end up. One resident said “China!”

When the weather is nice, we sure do love to have fun! On May 14th, the residents and staff headed outdoors for a fun-filled field day. There was eggtoss, relays, and balloon games. For over an hour the residents laughed and enjoyed the winners (and losers) reactions! We will be doing this a lot more over the summer!

Residents have started putting puzzles together and then gluing them onto fabric or corkboard to allow them to hang them up in their rooms or in the hallways. Some residents are using them as gifts to loved ones. This is a unique way to enjoy puzzles long after they are assembled!

On your mark… get set…. GO! Residents and staff love to have wheelchair races as much as possible. Recently, residents who wanted to participate drew numbers for their chairs and then the fun began. Race after race, the adrenaline was pumping and the competition was fierce! What a fun time for all.

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