Letter from the Administrator

Happy Spring!
Mark your calendars for our Easter Egg Hunt and our Easter Dinner. We would love to have resident families involved with both events. Weather permitting, we will have the Easter Egg Hunt outdoors this year! If you can attend or if you want to donate candy for the eggs, call Faye at (270) 389-3513 and let her know so she can get you on the list.
Our Easter dinner will be on April 19th at noon. Along with ham and lots of sides, we will have a delicious dessert and lots of chocolate! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
In January, we started the Employee of the Month Program again and we have chosen a winner for each month so far. (see the winners within this newsletter).
The Employee of the Month is chosen solely by residents and resident families. Along with the Employee of the Month program, we also started a Making the Difference program in which anyone who makes the difference of another person (residents or staff) in a positive way is eligible for this honor and recognition. If you would like to nominate someone for either award, call Doug at (270) 389-3516 or pick up the forms at Social Services.
We are looking forward to warmer weather to sit outside and visit. We hope to see you soon!
Mary Wood, Administrator